7 Factors That Affect SEO, Site Rankings And Traffic

It is important for web owners or designers to understand the main factors that affect SEO, site ranking and traffic to keep your project for last longer.

You might experience spike dropping of a web traffic or slow growing in page visitors that might cause panics, and gradually shut down your web project without knowing what is going on, but with this article you are going to understand it briefly.

These are the main factors that affect SEO, site ranking and traffic, which are;


This is crucial factor upon stability of any web project, if you aren’t understanding it early then it will be difficult to keep your project for last long. Unique content accelerate more ranking than duplicated one, thus create a winning chance of receiving more traffic from search engines and other sources. Attractive and fact contents attract many readers than vice versa because search engines always stick with human content and place strike to bot content like scrapped one or one generated from AI tools.


Category of majority posts of a web also affect SEO, ranking and traffic. Site with one category has high chance of getting visibility early than with multiple one because search engine crawlers discover faster single category than multiple one, which is time used by these bots to learn and understand it.


After choosing unique & attractive content and niche, then optimization is the next on list. Optimization is the process of creating a special structure on your posts to give a crawler’s ability to understand about your content like article, news article, tech, FAQ, webpage, and so on. Sites with optimization tools like SEO plugins, sitemaps, tracking tools get crawling and indexing priority than those without it. Optimization summarize about site category, post summary, titles, keywords and all-important objects needed by search crawlers.


You might choose niche of your choice and optimizing it, as well create attractive unique content but if you don’t know the competition then you might experience low traffic or zero. Content and niche with high competition create a hard time for rankings because search engines will pick only few pages on their first rank page, if the competition is low then you can experience high search traffic due to few rankings. You should do research about niche and content competition to win this strategy.

Social Media Signal

You should create a fan page or profile for your website. Sites with reasonable fan base from social media receive a lot of traffic than those with none. Social networks like Facebook, X, Pinterest and others have high search visibility as well active users. Search Engines rank faster posts with social media signal because most of visitors from these networks accelerate search queries and direct traffic.

Posting Frequency

If you are regularly publishing posts then crawling rate increase, thus create more indexing and ranking loop-holes than vice versa. Also, high posting frequency create large visitor base from site as well social media. You should keep busy both your social media fans and search engines bots from reading and fetching your posts respectively.

Website Loading Speed

Sites with fast loading speed have high search engines visibility than vice versa due to low time of fetching, indexing and rankings. Sites with fastest loading speed also attract many visitors than those with long loading speed. As you know, search engines like Google prefer sites with the best user interface to give visitor a best user experience like those with ultra-fastest loading speed. To win this strategy then you have to choose the best web hosting, implement cache mechanism and image optimization and use fastest loading theme with few plugins.

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